Alpha Lipoic Acid

Vitamin Drip IV Therapy

What is Alpha-lipoic Acid (ALA) ?

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is an antioxidant that has the ability to activate other antioxidant molecules and helps in the neutralization of molecules that can damage cells. In other words, ALA protects cells from the free radicals that can cause cell death.
ALA itself is fat-soluble, which allows it to penetrate and cross the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) and eliminate free radicals through its antioxidant activity.
In the red blood cells, ALA can promote glutathione synthesis. Glutathione is another antioxidant that is produced in our bodies, which works on more than just nerve tissue. ALA has the ability to work synergistically with other antioxidants such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E.

Nerve Pain Treatment

ALA  is helpful in treating any nerve-related symptoms (i.e. tingling, numbness, and pain). Diabetic-induced peripheral neuropathy (nerve pain) is a common symptom that ALA can help treat. If neuropathy is related to diabetes, chronic infection, or chemotherapy, ALA scavenges the free radicals causing oxidative damage on the peripheral nerves and promotes glutathione regeneration to protect the nerve lining from inflammation.
There are advantages to using ALA for neuropathy caused by chemotherapy and radiation, chronic infection such as Lyme disease, chronic kidney and liver disease, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, alcoholism, and much more.

Vitamin C IV Therapy

Multiple Sclerosis

ALA is also advantageous in treating Multiple Sclerosis (MS). It helps to prevent relapsing and remission of symptoms. Studies have also shown that ALA can prevent atrophy and destruction of the brain in patients with MS.

Alpha Lipoic Acid and Cancer

Metastasis and invasion are the main causes of mortality from cancer. To improve the treatment of cancer, the development of effective and innovative antitumor agents against invasion and proliferation is needed. ALA, a naturally occurring thiol antioxidant, has shown antiproliferative and cytotoxic effects on several cancers. So, it is feasible to explore whether ALA can be used to inhibit proliferation and invasion in human cancer.


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