Importance of Oxygen
Of all the known elements, oxygen is the most important to the human body. Oxygen is the life-giving, life-sustaining element. Approximately 90% of the body’s energy is created by oxygen. We would survive for only a few minutes without oxygen.
The only way to truly get the best health is to make sure of complete cellular oxygenation.
Today there is an acute and unnatural decrease in atmospheric oxygen. There are many causes for this decrease, many of which are obvious, such as deforestation, industrial pollution, car exhaust pollution, devitalized soil due to over-use of nitrates and organophosphates, volcanic eruptions and deterioration in the ozone layer.
It has been postulated that the air breathed by our ancestors during our evolution contained approximately 50% oxygen. Two hundred years ago when measurements of air oxygen began, the air was composed of 38% oxygen and 1% carbon dioxide. The level measured more recently by Swiss scientists in 1945-1946 was 22% oxygen. They have been carefully monitoring it ever since and most recent measurements indicate that the percentage of oxygen is 19% in the air we breathe. In cities, the oxygen level can go low down to reach sometimes 10%. And it is clearly understood that there is a significant increase in oxygen demand because of physical and mental exhaustion noticed nowadays.
Research by European doctors over several decades has proved that proper oxygenation of blood can restore vibrant health and slow down or even reverses the aging process. Moreover, even the most advanced states of the disease respond rapidly to this treatment.
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What is Ozone?
Ozone gas – often called activated oxygen – is chemically represented as O3, that is pure oxygen, but its molecule contains three atoms of oxygen instead of only two atoms in the oxygen we breathe on the ground. Ozone gas in nature is generated by the effect of ultraviolet rays on oxygen in the upper atmosphere or the effect of high electrical discharges such as lightning on oxygen and sea-level formation from the impact of waves on the shore.
Ozone gas is important to our lives as it is a layer in the upper atmosphere protects us from the high concentration of ultraviolet rays and protects us in the lower atmosphere as it combines with harmful substances (Hydrocarbons) and convert them into harmless substances (carbon dioxide and water).
What is the Importance of Ozone Gas in Medicine?
Ozone gas has many uses in the medical field and in multiple disciplines (Medical Ozone Therapy). It inhibits viruses, kills bacteria, fungi, parasites and cancer cells. It activates the immune system and increases the efficiency and vitality of cells and organs. It increases the oxygen content available to cells. Medical Ozone Therapy reduces pain, calms nerves and helps to secrete many enzymes important to the cells of the body. In total, it is possible to say that ozone deals with the body’s natural cells by activating it by increasing the oxygen available to it to optimal position and increasing its energy by oxidizing the food. On the other hand, ozone gas deals with abnormal cells (viruses, bacteria and cancer cells) to penetrate them (where the wall does not contain special enzymes found in normal cells) and oxidizes and paralyzes their effectiveness.
How long has the Ozone Therapy been in Use?
In 1870, Ozone gas was first used in Germany by Linder in what he described as blood purification and since that date, a great deal of scientific research has been done in this field. The German scientist Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1931 and again in 1944 for his research on the use of Ozone in the treatment of malignant tumors.
He established the World Ozone Union in 1974 and has published numerous scientific papers on the use of Ozone in medicine and industry and established many international conferences in this field.
Medical Ozone Therapy has been recognized as a remedy in about 25 countries, including Germany, Italy, England, France, Russia, Romania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Japan, Cuba, Singapore, Mexico and twenty-five states.

Mode of Action of Ozone
- Inactivation of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa:
Disrupts the integrity of bacterial cell envelope through oxidation of the phospholipids and lipoproteins. Damages viral capsid and upsets reproductive cycle by disrupting virus-to-cell contact with peroxidation. Inhibits cell growth at certain stages in fungi.
- Enhancement of Circulation:
Reduce clumping of red cells and restore their flexibility and oxygen-carrying ability.
Arterial oxygen partial pressure increases and viscosity decreases leading to better tissue oxygenation. Oxidizes plaque in arteries allowing removal of the breakdown products.
- Stimulation of oxygen metabolism:
Increases red blood cell glycolysis rate stimulation of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) an increase of oxygen released to tissues. Activates Krebs cycle by enhancing oxidative carboxylation of pyruvate , stimulating production of ATP. Stimulation of the production of the enzymes that act as free radical scavengers and cell wall protector: Glutathione Peroxidase, Catalase, and Superoxide Dismutase. Production of Prostacycline vasodilatation.
- Cancer : Dissolution of malignant tumors
Ozone inhibits tumor metabolism, oxidizes the outer lipid layer of malignant cells and destroys them through cell lysis. Ozone increases the ability of phagocytes to kill tumor cells (by stimulation of conversion of arginine to citrulline, nitrite, and nitrate by phagocytes).
The direct effect of ozone and reactive oxygen species on cancer cells in vitro and vivo:
- Improved oxygenation and metabolism;
- Potential up-regulation of antioxidant enzymatic system;
- Effects on the immune system;
- Cancer cells live better in a hypoxic environment;
- Oxygen can act as an adjuvant therapy in different kinds of cancer;
- Activation of the immune system, which in turn, stimulates the production of: Interferon, Tumor necrosis factor (TNF), Interleukin-2.

Advantages of Medical Ozone Therapy for Autoimmune Disease
Ozone is a natural and comprehensive cell biologic simulator. It magnifies all cell biological functions, which helps to express cellular function probably better than any other treatment protocol. This is all accomplished through natural biochemistry.
When the immune system is overactive, as with an Autoimmune Disease, ozone will calm it down. Conversely, when the immune system is underactive as with cancer, aids, and chronic infection, ozone will stimulate it. The unique ability of ozone stems from its action on the membrane of white cells that caused them to produce immune-related messenger molecules called cytokines. Examples of cytokines are gamma interferon, interleukin-2, colony-stimulating factor, and TGF-alpha.
Medical Ozone Therapy and Lyme Disease
There are many beneficial effects from Medical Ozone Therapy for the treatment for Lyme disease and any associated co-infections, without side effects.
Treatments for Lyme disease are usually very difficult for reasons which include: failure to adequately remove all the pathogens (including bacteria, parasites, mold, fungi, viruses), failure to remove toxicity, failure to reduce or remove inflammation, failure to improve immune system function, and failure to correct the underlying cellular oxygen deficiencies.
Without addressing all of these important health issues that are at the bottom of all chronic illnesses, any Lyme disease treatment will not be successful.
Ozone therapy has been used for a very long time with an excellent record of efficiency and safety, and that does address all of the above health issues that relate to Lyme disease infections.

The Use of Medical Ozone Therapy for Diabetic Foot
A new topic was put forward on the application of a complementary approach based on the fact that Ozone Therapy can reduce oxidative stress, delay serious complications, and improve the quality of life in diabetic foot patients. Based on the type of foot ulcers, ozonated water and different gradations of standard ozonated oils are typically used until full recovery. It has been recently proved that both ozonated water and ozonated oils are antiseptics and suitable healing stimulators and are much more effective compared to treatments that involve topical antibiotics growth factors, maggot and negative pressure wound therapies.
Medical Ozone Therapy for the treatment of Skin Disease
Medical ozone therapy (the correct term is Tri-atomic Oxygen, but for simplicity, we will call it Ozone) is a revolutionary medical treatment producing far-reaching results in human health care. It has been widely used to treat many skin diseases, including infections, allergic dermatitis, and skin ulcers.
Medical Ozone Therapy in Disease Prevention and Pain
Medical ozone therapy has become a promising tool for both disease prevention and treatment of different infections.
The oxidative stress created by ozone in the body to stimulate the peripheral phagocytic cells, activate the antioxidant system and restore the immune system is thought to be effective for the prevention.
In recent years, ozone therapy has become a popular alternative method for chronic pain management of various diseases such as fibromyalgia, knee osteoarthritis, and rheumatic diseases.
Here at Lody Health, we offer various administrations of Medical Ozone Therapy: Ozonated IV Saline Drip, Major Autohemotherapy, Minor Autohemotherapy, Ozone Multipass( 10 Pass, 20 pass, 30 pass), Local Injections, Bladder Insufflations, Rectal Insufflations, Prolozone Therapy and more.
Please book a consultation with us today, to see how Medical Ozone Therapy can benefit your health.