Chelation Therapy


What is Chelation Therapy ?

Chelation (pronounced “key-lay-shun”) is a highly effective treatment for clearing heavy metals, excess calcium, and artery-damaging chemicals from the bloodstream. Although it was first used to treat heavy metal poisoning, chelation has since proven valuable for the treatment of heart disease and other circulatory disorders.

Chelation therapy benefits the flow of blood through every vessel in the body, from the largest to the tiniest capillaries and arterioles, most of which are far too small for surgical treatment or are deep within the brain where they cannot be safely reached by surgery. In many patients, the smaller blood vessels are the most severely diseased, especially in the presence of diabetes. The benefits of chelation occur simultaneously from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet, not just in short segments of a few large arteries which can be bypassed by surgical treatment.

Chelation has given heart disease patients an alternative to invasive heart surgery and has enabled patients with intermittent claudication to increase their walking distance. It has been used to alleviate angina, reduce high blood pressure, and spare diabetic patients from limb amputation.

calgary chelation

The term “chelation” is derived from the Greek word “chele” which refers to the claw of a crab or lobster and implies the binding action of an organic compound to a metal ion (cation). In other words, Chelating agents bind to heavy metals and minerals in the blood so that they can be excreted in the urine. EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid) has the ability to bond or “hook onto” atoms of calcium, lead, cadmium, mercury, and others as well as some of the trace minerals through the process of chelation. The FDA has approved EDTA chelation as the only treatment for lead poisoning. Another intravenous agent used for mercury detoxification is called DMPS (2,3-Dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid).

Chelated compounds are found everywhere in nature. For example, chlorophyll is a chelate of magnesium, and hemoglobin is a chelate of iron. The most widely accepted use of chelation therapy in medicine is for the removal of toxic metals, such as lead from the body. A more controversial, but now clinically proven useful indication for chelation therapy, is the treatment of all forms of atherosclerotic diseases, including, coronary, cerebral, and peripheral arteriovascular disease as well as other degenerative conditions.

EDTA chelation therapy is part of a very comprehensive program for the treatment of atherosclerosis (Hard plaques in the arteries). Other components include nutritional and dietary recommendations, oral nutritional supplements, an exercise program, a stress management program, and medication, if necessary. On rare occasions, surgical intervention may be beneficial, but the majority of patients can be effectively managed without surgical intervention.

By removing hard plaques, EDTA may help to improve circulation to all organs, including the brain, heart, kidneys, etc. As a result of this, you may greatly reduce the incidence of strokes, heart attacks, angina, peripheral vascular disease, diabetic complications, and more.

EDTA may also decrease free radical damage, and deposition of calcium in the arteries, thus, improving their flexibility, mostly in older patients.

EDTA chelation therapy is administered as an intravenous infusion, consisting of EDTA and other compounds diluted in a sterile water solution and adjusted for proper osmolarity, based on weight, and creatinine levels, tailored to the patient’s condition. This infusion is given over a period of 1.5 to 3 hours. The frequency of treatment is usually once or twice a week. For symptomatic patients, a series of 30 or more infusions may be indicated.


A few contraindications of EDTA Treatment:

  • May not be suitable for patients with already weak kidneys. This is because EDTA binds and removes hard minerals and deposits and toxic metals that have accumulated in the body for several years. These have to be excreted, but weak kidneys cannot excrete the load of toxic metals that should be eliminated by urination.
  • This is the reason why we tailor the dose according to your kidney function (Creatinine levels), weight, height, and other parameters. EDTA will only be administered after an initial blood work that will show that your kidneys are in good condition. Also, after every 5 treatments with EDTA another blood work will be done to assess your kidney function.

Along with removing the hard mineral deposits and Heavy Metals, EDTA may also strip your body of vitamins and minerals. You will, therefore, be advised to take oral supplementation with a multivitamin. On top of that, every 5 treatments with EDTA, you will be given an Intravenous Vitamin treatment to support your vitamin/minerals and minimize side effects.

Conditions that Can Benefit From Chelation Therapy

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Heavy Metal Poisoning (Lead, Mercury, and Cadmium)
  • Memory disorders
  • Slow-healing wounds
  • Cerebrovascular disease
  • Hypertension
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Diabetic complications
  • Intermittent claudication
  • Peripheral vascular disease

To find out if chelation therapy is right for you, call our clinic today for a consultation.


Chelazone Therapy

At Lody Health Klinik, we strongly believe that the good effects of Chelation therapies will be potentiated by adding Ozone therapies.

Chelazonetherapy refers to a combined treatment, where a chelation treatment is combined with Ozone therapy (Major Autohemotherapy, Minor Autohemotherapy, or Saline Ozone therapy). The order of the treatments is critical. In all cases, EDTA chelation therapy must be delivered after Ozone therapies in order to insure that the calcium levels in the blood are optimum for maximum cytokine stimulation.

Ozone IV Therapies are a powerful stimulant for healing, and increasing oxygenation and have anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Many practitioners in this field, feel that this therapy can be very helpful in the treatment of a variety of health conditions. Any chronic, degenerative disease can benefit from ozone therapy including diabetes, cancer, osteoarthritis, chronic infectious disease, inflammatory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune disease, immunodeficiency disorders, and chronic and acute pain.

As marvelous as the individualized effects of Chelation therapy and Ozone therapy are, their combined use is even more remarkable. Chelation IV Therapy is used clinically to treat cardiovascular conditions such as coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, cerebral vascular insufficiency, intermittent claudication, macular degeneration, and peripheral artery disease.

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