What is Mistletoe?
Mistletoe is a semi-parasitic plant that grows on different trees. The berries, leaf, and stem of European mistletoe are used in medicine.
Health benefits that have been attributed to mistletoe include improving cardiovascular health, relieving stress and anxiety, and boosting the immune system to help fight off colds and respiratory problems. It is also a popular complementary therapy for cancer treatment in many parts of the world. Mistletoe injections are used for cancer and for failing joints.
There are various preparations of Mistletoe commonly used in Europe and more particularly in Germany, for cancer treatment. Its more traditional uses include the treatment of hypertension, seizures, headaches, diarrhea, and infertility. Dr. Rudolf Steiner was the first to recommend Mistletoe for cancer treatment in the early 1900s. Since then, Mistletoe is a widely used therapy for cancer treatment. There are different types of Mistletoe that can be given for different types of cancer. These are extracted from fir, oak or pine trees.
It is also beneficial for patients who are commencing treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation and those patients who have a highly sensitive immune system with frequent allergic tendencies.
Mistletoe stimulates the immune system by activating and increasing immune cell activity (e.g. granulocytes, lymphocytes, NK cells, cytokine liberation). In turn, this immune activation slightly increases the patient’s body temperature for a period following mistletoe administration. This immune stimulation provides the benefits mentioned below.
Benefits of Misteltoe
- Increases energy whilst increasing appetite and strength
- Helps to restore regular sleep pattern
- Improves state of mind (e.g., depression, anxiety, etc.)
- Helps to increase life-span
- Helps to improve the overall quality of life
- Helps to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence
- Prevents cancer growth in general
- Helps to inhibit metastases of primary cancer
- Helps to modulate the immune system
- Helps to reduce the impact of side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy
- Helpful therapy for Disease Prevention
Mistletoe is a natural therapy used in conjunction with conventional medical treatments in Europe. Its benefits lie in improving the overall quality of life, reducing side effects from chemotherapy, radiation and reducing the risk of cancer recurrence.
Please book a consultation with us today, to see how Mistletoe Therapy can benefit your health.

Mistletoe Therapy in Disease Prevention
Mistletoe has been used for both Disease Prevention and treatment in traditional and folk medicine. To date, anticancer, immunomodulatory, cardiac, antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, neuropharmacological, antibacterial and antifungal properties of mistletoe extracts have been studied the most.
Mistletoe could regulate either similar or different targets in various pathways that act on membrane receptors, enzymes, ion channels, transporter proteins and transcriptional targets. Still, pharmacological activities of mistletoe have been investigated mainly for crude extracts. It is a new field for scientists to determine which chemical compounds are responsible for the individual biological activities of mistletoe and how these activities are achieved. As a result, mistletoe might become a source of new complementary therapies supporting the treatment of many diseases.
Mistletoe is a natural therapy used in conjunction with conventional medical treatments in Europe. Its benefits lie in improving the overall quality of life, reducing side effects from chemotherapy, and radiation and reducing the risk of cancer recurrence.
For more information on Mistletoe therapy, contact us today.