Naturopathy is a system of health care which promotes the body’s own self-healing mechanism. It uses natural therapies such as IV Therapy, Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Physical manipulations, Hydrotherapy, Fasting, Exercise and other modalities, in accordance with Naturopathic Principles. These principles are kept in mind when a Naturopath takes a case, develops and offers treatment plans and maintenance support for long-term good health.
Naturopathy employs various therapies and diagnostic tools and is based on the following Naturopathic Principles. A practitioner who follows and practices these principles can be called a Naturopathic Therapist, or simply a Naturopath.
Book your appointment with us today and explore all naturopathic medicine modalities we offer, along with many other add-on or combination therapies available.